My Family is a British sitcom created and initially co-written by Fred Barron, which was produced by DLT Entertainment and Rude Boy Productions, and broadcast by BBC One for eleven series between 2000 and 2011, with Christmas specials broadcast from 2002 onwards. My Family was voted 24th in the BBC's "Britain's Best Sitcom" in 2004 and was the most watched sitcom in the United Kingdom in 2008. As of 2011, it is one of only twelve British sitcoms to pass the 100 episode mark.
Robert Lindsay - played Ben Harper
Zoe Wanamaker - played Susan Harper
Kris Marshall - played Nick Harper
Daniela Denby-Ashe - played Janey Harper
Gabriel Thomson - played Michael Harper
Siobhan Hayes - played Abi Harper
Gary has been selling autographs like this My Family main cast autograph since 1994 and trading online at since 2000!
All autographs for sale have been either collected by Gary in person or from one of 6 other AFTAL registered dealers and are sold with a certificate of authenticity.
He currently has around 6,000 autographs but not all are yet on the web site so if there is anything you require Contact Gary as he may already have it or be able to obtain it for you.
Purchase this authentic My Family main cast autograph for £199.99